Tuesday, November 27, 2007

MUDDY day for a run!

Me and my faithful furry sidekick Caili took to the trails over lunch today--we headed up Skunk Canyon, where we encountered mud and ice galore. It was a chilly crash-course adventure in making adobe soles for my trail shoes. Once we crested the top of the canyon at the Mesa Trail, we found a new challenge--slick snow and ice on all the north-facing slopes. The run down to Enchanted Mesa was a little nicer, and Kohler was just fine, but I was wishing for some cramp-ons or my trusty yak-trax. Finally, Four Pines trail from the mesa down to 16th street was slick with mud--but welcome after the ice on the Mesa trail! Hopefully it will snow tomorrow, and make those trails a little more manageable!


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