Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dakota Ridge Run

Went out late today, about 1:10, because some business at work kept us busy 'til then. Caili was in attendance, and we took the usual route through campus, up the Pleasant/University Alley, to the trailhead at 4th and University. From there we took a rolling route to Eben G Fine Park, under Canyon, up and around the Red Rocks formation, to the Sanitas Valley trailhead. Up Dakota ridge from there, to the second bailout point, where time and the nagging feeling I'd forgotten something at work turned us around. It was a quick return to campus, via the same route (more or less!). Weather was beautiful, with temperatures in the low 70's--not bad for mid-November!

Tomorrow is a rest day, so we'll see you in yoga class.



Anonymous said...

Man, this is a MUCH better blog than the Frenz blog... I just don't know what pseudonym to use.

Anonymous said...

I did that run once... on my way to a REAL run. Not quite strenuous enough to be properly termed a "warmup," it did offer delightful birding opportunities I would certainly have missed on the higher ramparts at much higher speeds. But for beginners and adventurous oldsters, I suppose it could be somewhat... invigorating.
-One of the Frenz

Anonymous said...

What is the Flagstaff Frenzy? Is it an offshoot of your blog?